February 2022 Sales Overview for London Ontario

Thursday Mar 24th, 2022


This is your overview for February for our city. Sales in both January and February virtually matched the sales for the same period a year ago.  401 Homes changed hands in January and 594 homes changed hands in February. The time it takes to sell the average home across the city has been trending downward since November and December last year where it sat at 11 days. Jn January this timeframe dropped to 10 days in January then down to 9 days in February.  This change is driven by... [read more]

Market Trends and Home Sales Across London & St. Thomas in 2022

Sunday Jan 29th, 2023


City of London: Well, we have just finished the most tumultuous years in Real Estate History, driven by rampant worldwide inflation increases and Bank of Canada interest rate increases virtually every month throughout the year. What has happened to your home value in the City of London? Let’s start by looking at the Number of sales taking place each month to determine the Impact of the interest rate increases since early 2022. The highest volume of home sales in 2022 occurred in... [read more]



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